Projects, Teaching and Organized Conferences


Awarded – Main Investigator

Non-human Encounters: An Interdisciplinary Debate on Methods in the Form of a Conference and Associated Workshop (MK-S 14172/2021 OULK)
Funded by Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic and Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, 2022.

Digital Culture and Creative Industries: An Introductory Workshop for Students and Teachers on Research Projects (MUNI/A/1279/2020)
Funded by Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, 2021.

Team Member

Educational Computer Game about the Position of Roma in Society (TQ01000081)
Funded by Technology Agency of Czech Republic, 2023-2026.

Community, Resilience, Sustainability: The Design of Information Services (MUNI/A/1299/2022)
Funded by Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, 2023.

Analysis and Improvement of the User-friendliness of the PERUN Interface (698/2022)
Funded by CESNET, 2022-2023.

Art, Media and Design: Historical Transformations, Current Trends and Future Challenges (MUNI/A/1055/2021)
Funded by Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, 2022.

Art - Design - Media. Research and Mediation of Creative Production in Local and International Context (MUNI/A/1102/2020)
Funded by Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, 2021.


Taught Courses

Lecturer: New Media Art & Entertainment, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, 2021-2023

Lecturer: TIM_Master class, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University 2021-2022

Teaching Assistant: Doctoral Theses Seminars, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, 2022

End-of-Semester Examination Committee Member (Klauzury)

Painting Studio 2, Faculty of Fine Arts, Brno University of Technology. Semester Winter 2023.

Planet B: Module for Sustainability and Civilizational Issues, UMPRUM. Semester Winter 2023.

Diploma Theses Supervision​

Aspects of Critical Posthumanism in Transition Design Methods. 2023, bachelor's thesis. Masaryk University.

The Theme of Considerateness in the Work of Ken Rinaldo and Andy Gracie. 2023, bachelor's thesis. Masaryk University.

The Concept of Proletarianization in the Work of Bernard Stiegler. 2022, bachelor's thesis. Masaryk University.

The Transformation of Journalistic Photography in the Post-Digital Era. 2022, bachelor's thesis. Masaryk University.

Organized Conferences and Workshops

International conference Encountering Non-Humans: On Methodologies for the Post-Anthropocene, Brno, 26-27 November 2022.

International conference Transition - Design - Education, Prague, 6-7 May 2022.

Workshop Speaking Digital 02: On Digital Culture and Methodologies, online, 20 March and 13 April 2022.

Workshop Speaking Digital: On Digital Culture and Methodologies, online, 28-29 June 2021.

Conference Humain: On Design, Humanities, Art and Artificial Intelligence, Brno, 2 October 2021.

Conference Student Gender Interdisciplinary Conference MeziMeze, Brno, 30 November 2018.