Articles, chapters, conference talks

Peer-reviewed Publications


Forthcoming: Posthumanist Knowledge in the Work of Rosi Braidotti. The Philosophical Journal (Filosofický časopis). Prague: Institute of Philosophy AS ČR. ISSN: 2570-9232. Language: Czech.

The Shift from Post-internet to Speculation: Mapping the Development of the Czech Art Scene. JOINME: Journal of Interactive Media. Brno: Masaryk University, 2018, vol. 1, No 2018, 8 pp. ISSN 2570-8066. Language: Czech.

Book chapter

Temporal Complexity and Art: Post-Contemporary Art as a Response to Insufficiency. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2022. s. 85-94. ISBN 978-80-214-6042-3. Language: Czech.


9th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art: The Present in Drag. JOINME: Journal of Interactive Media. Brno: Masaryk University, 2017, vol. 1, No 2017, 8 pp. ISSN 2570-8066. Language: Czech.

Conference talks

Critical Posthumanism and BioArt: Posthuman “We” in Artistic Practice
International conference Critical Posthumanism at J. E. Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem, 5-7 September 2023.

Critical Posthumanist Bioart Typology
International conference Technology, Art and the Posthuman: The End or a New Beginning for Humanism? at John Cabot University in Rome, Italy. 13-14 May 2023.

Being Horizontal: On Human and Non-Human Relations within the Critical Posthumanities
International conference Gatheting in Biosemiotics at Palacký University in Olomouc. 27 June-1 July 2022.

Artistic Interventions in the Field of Synthetic Biology as a Space for the Redefinition of Technology and Nature
Workhop Speaking Digital at Masaryk University in Brno. 28-29 June 2021.

Redesigning Ecosystems: Synthetic Biology, Art and the Non-Human
International conference PostSensorium, panel (Green) Ecologies beyond Green at RIXC Art Science Festival in Riga, Latvia and online. 23-25 September 2021.

Once Upon a Time (Bylo nebylo)
Conference Co můžeme dělat? Konference o uměleckém vzdělávání at Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. 11 November 2017.

Guest lectures

Towards Mutual Support and Interdisciplinarity. OsloMet, 2022.

Flat Ontology, Posthumanism, Non-Human Actors and My Research. Faculty of Social Sciences, Masaryk University, 2022.

On the Ongoing PhD Project on Artistic Interventions in the Field of Synthetic Biology and Synthetic Ecology. OsloMet, 2022.

Other publications


Exhibition review. Wandering through Episodic Narration (Bloumání epizodickým vyprávěním). Artalk, 2020. ISSN 1805-6989.

Book review. Portrait of an Ordinary Adolescence (Portrét obyčejného dospívání). Revue Prostor, 2020. ISSN 0862-7045

Exhibition review. Nine Stops, Ten Openings (Devět zastávek, deset vernisáží). A2, 2019. ISSN 1803-6635.

Book review. Beauty by Design (Krása mimoděk). 25fps, 2019. ISSN 1802-5714.

Book review. Sally Rooney and Love after the Financial Crisis (Sally Rooney a láska po finanční krizi). Revue Prostor, 2019. ISSN 0862-7045.

Exhibition review. What Are We Talking about When We Talk about Alienation (O čem mluvíme, když mluvíme o odcizení). Artalk, 2018. ISSN 1805-6989.

Exhibition review. Other Visions in the Rear-View Mirror (Jiné vize ve zpětném zrcátku). A2, 2016. ISSN 1803-6635.

Book review. #mm net art: Where Links Don't Work, but Hashtags Rule the Day (Tam, kde odkazy nefungují, ale hashtagy vládnou dál). 25fps, 2016. ISSN 1802-5714.

Further writing

Issue co-editor. DÝPT IV.: Soul (Duše). 2020.

Essay co-author (with Ondřej Trhoň). Dialogue Attempt: Structures of Care (Pokus o dialog: Struktury péče) Dýpt IV., 2020.

Essay co-author (with Dagmar Tröstler). Dýpt V., 2022.

Artists profile. Speculative Topology (Spekulativní topologie: Profil umělce Jozefa Mrvy ml.). Flash Art, 2018. ISSN: 1336-9644.